Monday, March 9, 2009

Green Chum Fighting Global Warming With Business Opportunity

Green ChumA new business opportunity Green Chum is a brilliant business idea now being put forth to combat and fight against global warming, climate crisis and other global problems we are facing today. Through Green Chum people are able to help the environment and earn money at the same time. Lets face it we are seeing many scary things being brought on by global warming. Al Gore's documentary movie An Inconvenient Truth sums up the impact and global warming effects it's having on earth. This is one movie that all people world wide should watch. We need to do something about global warming and think of our children, our children's kids and so on. Now it won't fix itself over night but with the help of Green Chum Inc. and people working together we can help fix a problem that was brought on by us all.

Troy HoggGreen Chum Inc. was developed around the idea on how people can help the environment. Troy Hogg the CEO and Co-Founder to Green Chum and GC Money Tree realized that people are motivated through money. Money makes the world turn and soon came up with this incredible business opportunity where people can make an incredible income from home with Green Chum. Make money with Green Chum and help save our planet at the same time. Through this business opportunity people are able to sell carbon reduction certificates which will help plant new trees. Through planting trees we are able to fight global warming directly. Did you realize the one single tree can absorb about 1 ton of CO2 in their lifetime! The more trees we plant can help reduce more and more CO2. We can help save our planet one tree at a time. People are able to support Green Chum Inc. by the simple purchase of a Carbon Reduction Certificate or they can help join Green Chum and start making money with this for a great cause. Small things can make a big difference and we all owe our own part towards helping the environment.

Green Chum - Carbon Reduction Certificates

For more information on Green Chum and how you can help fight against global warming and help save the environment please visit


Jamie Boyle
Helping Save The Planet One Tree at a Time!